Knowledge Forum provides students and teachers with a unique collaborative space in which to share ideas and data, organize course materials, analyze research results, discuss texts, and cite reference material. Appropriate for any ages, Knowledge Forum is used by kindergarten students as well as graduate students.

Knowledge Forum allows users to create a knowledge building community. Each community creates its own Knowledge Base in which its can store notes, connect ideas, and "rise-above" previous thinking. The note-taking, searching, and organizational features of this sophisticated tool allow any type of community to build knowledge. Whether you are:
- an academic community at the university…
- an alliance of professionals...
- or supporting a mentor ...
If your goals are building your community knowledge—then Knowledge Forum is the application for you.

A View in a Knowledge BaseUsers start with an empty Knowledge Base to which they submit ideas, share information, reorganize the knowledge, and ultimately "rise-above" to new understandings. Knowledge Forum makes information accessible with multiple vantage points and multiple entry points. Even the collection and display of the community's work can be organized in flexible visual displays. Your work is not limited to your individual organization; if desired, you can become part of a larger community and work in concert on related problems.

Knowledge Forum users can connect to their Knowledge Base via:
- a local area network
- the Internet communications (users designate where on the Internet the Knowledge Base is stored, and the application connects to it via the Internet)
- a browser (Explorer or Netscape) using the world wide web

Knowledge building communities are exciting places where success depends on the careful cultivation of ideas and the constant use and re-use of the organization's knowledge resources. So maximizing that knowledge production and making knowledge advances available to the community is critical.
A finished Note in a Knowledge Base

True knowledge building communities depend on a specific organizational design, one that defines each person as a contributor. Knowledge Forum does just that. With the knowledge building tools in Knowledge Forum, users pose questions, define their own goals, and collaborate with peers as they acquire and build the Knowledge Base.

If you would like more information, take an introductory tour, or explore a demonstration Knowledge Forum database.