Technology for Innovation

In today’s world, nurturing the capacity to create new knowledge is more important than ever.

Knowledge Forum is an online platform

We are an early learning academy focused on social-emotional development and early literacy and numeracy. Our students walk out with the character and confidence to make their mark in the world, equipped with the knowledge and real-world skills that take them way ahead in the industry they may serve.

Knowledge Forum is an online platform specifically designed to help students of all ages – from kindergarten to postsecondary and beyond – operate just like successful knowledge creating teams out in the “real world”. It’s built on decades of research exploring the most effective ways to support young learners to work creatively with ideas and advance knowledge as a community.

Champion School at a Glance
Current Enrollments
0 K+
Qualified Staff
0 +
Clubs & Activities
0 +
Active PTFA Members
0 +

What Makes Knowledge Forum Different?

Aboutt Knowledge Building 12 Principles

Knowledge Building Overview

The Champion School aims at offering all our students a broad and balanced curriculum that provides rewarding and stimulating activities to prepare them for the best social and cultural life.

Embedded, Transformative Assessment

Knowledge Forum hosts a suite of cutting-edge assessments features specifically designed to support creative work with ideas. Feedback is embedded into the environment and feeds forward into knowledge building processes.

Research-based Design

Knowledge Forum is the next-generation product of CSILE, the first networked system for collaborative learning ever designed. Both programs were developed by pioneers in the field of Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Dr. Carl Berieter and Dr. Marlene Scardamalia.

K-12 and beyond

Knowledge Forum is designed to for every student – from kindergarteners to high schoolers, university undergrads to doctoral students. Knowledge Forum is also used to support innovation in professional contexts, including teacher professional development, continuing education in medicine and nursing, and more.

Supported By A Global Innovation Network

Schools and classrooms all over the world that are using Knowledge Forum have access to a global network of educators, researchers, engineers, policy-makers, and professionals dedicated to building innovations in education together.

Classroom and School Collaborations

Knowledge Forum is ideal for connecting sites anywhere in the world and for bringing students and educators together in unique partnerships tailored to their own specific needs and contexts.

Knowledge Building Affordances

Every element of Knowledge Forum is designed with knowledge building processes in mind. From infinite discussion spaces to multimodal notes to easy to use reference features and more, every facet of the program helps students advance ideas as a team.

In a Knowledge Building community, we succeed when we all succeed.

A unique collaborative space that supports knowledge building and knowledge creation

The Knowledge Forum provides an infinite space to expand ideas, pursue diverse idea paths, gather information, and move toward increasingly higher levels of understanding. All members of the Knowledge Forum community work together to contribute ideas and resources, make connections, and “go beyond” previous ways of thinking.

Epistemic Agents

The Knowledge Forum empowers students to take ownership of their own learning and the outcomes of their community. Community members can share ideas and data, organize resources, analyze research findings, discuss texts, and cite references.

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